Welt der Reptilien


City: Beilrode-Döbrichau

Country: Germany

State: Saxony


Opend 2012


Species 120

One of Germanys biggest Terrariums and the highlight might be the 10 different crocodile speciess. Els you meet reptiles, amphibians, scorpions and bird eating spiders among others

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2013

Welt der Reptilien
Feldstraße 3
D-04885 Beilrode-


Phone nr 01805-009691

Open minimum april-october weekends 10am-6pm; June & August daily 10am-7pm



Entrance fee

  • Adult 13,- Euro
  • Child 10,- Euro
  • Family* 42,- Euro
*Family tickets are valid for 2 adults and up to 2 kids, each aditional child costs 7,- Euro

Annual card 
  • Adult 29,- Euro
  • Child 23,- Euro

Kids will love to pet the goats in the petting area


The owner Fernando Richter also had a lot of Reptiles arround him, since his father owened them to. Father and son showed theire collection at local schools. 2005 Richter bought 8000 squaremeters of land to fulfill his dream of a reptile zoo. This opened for public in 2012

After entering the entrance house and paying the fee we walk outside agai and are having on the right the crocodile house with 10 different species - the largest collection in Germany! Outsid agai we see the goats and the gigant tortoises among others. The next house has 2 sections, one for snakes like the anacondas and the pythons. In the othere there is more than 100 terrariums for smaller reptiles and other animals like the bird-eating spider. The last house is the show house, with daily shows and next to it a huge playground

DE: Dies ist Deutschlands grösster Reptilienzoo und zeigt ua 10 verschiedene Krokodilarten vom kleinen China Alligator über dem 
Beulenkrokodil bis zum Nilkrokodil

DK: Dette er Tysklands største terrarie og viser bl.a. 10 forskellige krokodillearter fra dem lille kinesiske alligator til nilkrokodillen
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